Friday, June 25, 2010

summer buzz.

Ally Speaks.
sex, motivation,
this will be simple, & straight to the point.


don’t do it, ( this is all for this section )


females – don’t let a male pressure you into ANYTHING. hormones are killers, never let anyone sweet talk you, tell you what they need, that is bologna.
males – don’t let a female pressure you into ANYTHING. hormones are killers never let anyone sweet talk you, tell you what they need, that is bologna.
Both – so he/she tells you they love you? bs. they tell you, you need this? bs. they say it will better the relationship, take it to another level, bs.
things to remember – most females will be there emotions involved, while the male does not. both parties may feel regretful or lonely.
SOOO, as you’ve heard all this before,
IF YOU LOVE ME, YOU WILL WAIT, & if they can’t accept that, to the curb they go, end of story.
**ally’s terms – if he can’t accept your choices, he is not worthy or your love. drop him like a bad habit, there are more & better our there. don’t be pressured, it’s really not that serious. & if he cant get it from you, they will get it from someone else, don’t put up with anything that may cause you stress...on to the next

· umm, babies come from sex, did you know that? – protect yourself.
· babies need care, are you fit?
· babies require love & affection
· how deep is your love?
· STDs do exist.
· don’t catch one
· key point . don’t take a risk you can’t handle.

get some


motivation is a big part in success, if you have it, you can accomplish a lot.
set your goals, make yourself understand that you can & will do something.
set your mind correctly, get your family members, and friends to understand that pushing you will make you succeed.
NOTE – if you want to do something in life, you CAN & WILL if you push yourself to realize what a great outcome it can produce for your enjoyment & possibly others.
*ally’s terms – never let anyone or anything stop you from completing something. you have to set your mind to do something, & do it. look forward, NOT back. and strivee.

& this is the part where Amiyah let's it allllll out.

sex - many think sex is for bringing relationships to a different level.
but really, it's intended for reproduction.
that's the whole purpose.
now days, it's like a recreational activity.
u can just do it wit anyone for fun
when will young ladies & men learn ?
& when will the highly accepted form of contraception called birth control and condoms become more widely used in the realm of premarital sex?
crash course on sex education - safe sex is great sex, u better wear that latex, before u get that latex, that I think I'm late text.
but on a serious note- prevent pregnancy and stds by remaining abstinent
& for those who have been sexually active, u can be celibate.

motivation- u can't let other people control ur happiness.
no matter how close they are to u.
do what u have to do for yourself.
not for anyone else.
bcuz in the end , people let u down.
things and situations change.
be true to yourself.

-thank you:)

Monday, June 7, 2010

thoughts of the day

each day, we will have new thought of the day.
check us out daily for inspiration.

june 7-don't waste ur time trynna protect a guy who brought u into a situation and had the chance to protect you but didn't. -amiyah.

june 8- if ur in high school, don't be fooled with the thought of a monogamous relationship, they are virtually non existent. most people don't even know what being monogamous is !

Sunday, May 16, 2010




Attention ALL players:
1. You are NOT good at what you do.
2. We know what you’re doing.
Player : a male who is skilled at manipulating others, especially at seducing women by pretending to care about them, in reality they only interesting in sex.

-okay, so guys. please explain to me your motives for cheating. If you’re going to be a “player”, just tell me why. are you too insecure to just stay with one female?
-& you mangle with the hearts and feelings of the ones that “love” you, right? and it’s fun right? WRONG.
-get your life in order PLEASE.
-also, when you send text messages, please note the fine print in the book of stupidity NOT to text my best friend and flirt with her. ( who does that? a boy, void )
-soo, in saying that, playing will only result in your lost of love as well as your loneliness, because as soon as the girl finds out, you’re burnt toast.

*ladies, if you suspect a “player”; he goes and adds all your FB friends, he’s a groupie player. give him the boot and keep on trucking. there are and will be better.


Attention ALL liars:
I can see right through you.
You sound stupid.

Liar : someone who tells obvious lies just to make themselves look good but in fact makes themselves look stupid and pathetic purely because they think everyone actually believes them.

-alright, so why you lying? You afraid to tell me wassup?
-MORE than likely, I know you’re lying to me. I see it in your eyes.
-& Remember than your Facebook is open to me and for me to see. I can see whom you’re flirting with.
-Lying will get to caught up in the rapture of love.
-& if you feel the need to lie about places and times and promises you KNOW you don’t fulfill, just stop in your tracks. iont have time, no chick does.

*ladies, he’s telling you he’s single, he’s playing those games, you don’t need that.


Attention ALL ‘lovers”:

· this is very simple;
· do not tell me you love me when you don’t.
· do not tell me you need me, when you don’t.
· do not tell me you want to be with me.
· do not tell me you only tell me stuff, when you don’t.
· do not call me the same names that you call her.
· do not lie. that is all.

*ladies, if he can love you at your worst, then let him love you at your best.


Attention ALL trusters:

You want us to trust you, but you lie, cheat, and steal hearts.
You are not trustable, simple.

-first, I know your past.
-second, you lied before, so how will I trust you?
-third, you probably will pay for the mistakes of the last dude, no trust.
-fourth, allow me to trust you by showing me I can.

*ladies, never give him all your trust, unless he gives you his.


I would like to thank you guys for reading. It has been a long time, but we are back, and for good.



love .many think they know what it is.but please define it for me.cuz what yall out here calling love ain't nothing but lust.i'm hollering , RETIRE love out ur vocabulary.few have it & few long for it.many act like playing with people's feelings ain't a big deal.lemme break it to you, your DEAD WRONG!but, u learn by experiences and when ur heart gets shattered to a point where u feel nobody can put it back together again, then you's an emotion nobody wanna why do it to someone else.which leads me intoPLAYING.that's the act of using two or more people to satisfy your ego.if you so bold bout being in multiple relationships, or messing with multiple people ..why be soo discrete ?we all know what the buisness what's the deal with thinking you to good at the game to get caught up?it happens.these days, people aren't as know what the best medicine is for "players"?wen they fall for someone who knows they won't be worth anything more than heartache.TRUSTguess that word doesn't mean anything anymore.what happened to the days where there were truth behind words ?where songs weren't just lyrics ?where feelings weren't just one sided?oh i know what happened ..LIES.why tell them?it's not like the truth won't come up.deception is so much more than skin hurts deep within to know all the faith u put in something or someone was in hurts knowing every text was BS.& it hurts even more when all your feelings were true.when you thought he/she loved you as u love the end,you have find love, trust, & faith within yourself. that's the only one you can count on.

sincerly ,amiyah

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Don’t you HATE when someone from the past just shows up?
*well, ally does.
Don’t you HATE when you want to cry over someone that could care less about you?
*well, ally does.
Don’t you HATE when you think you’re over something and you’re not?
*well, ally does.
Don’t you HATE when someone is possibly, scratch that, IS playing you?
*well, ally does

Like all humans, we search for things in life that make us happy; but when and where do we cross the line?

-when do you make up your mind about something and stick when it?
-when do you make up your mind that you have to stand with your decision?
-when do you grow up and face the facts?
-when do you just live your life?
-when do you just LET GO?

*life is a puzzle, yet to be unsolved by mysteries due to the unpredictable wind currents known as humans.

&& for my ladies,

sweetheart, please let him go. he is not serving you any purpose in life other than heartbreak. don’t think you’re his all, #LIES.
**be careful of who you let hold your heart., use your smarts to determine that.

MUCH love and respect to all the readers.-ally.

sudden death

you left as a surprise
your absence took me by shock
lonely ----
a scary place to be .
with you ,
i felt so free
Now, what's left to do?
Part of me left
when he took you.
Daily motions ---
take longer.
As everyday passes ---
i must grow stronger.
My love for you ---
I grew weak
weak to my knees
My stomach surrendered
This heart of mine,
went through an emotional blender.
i'm all shook up,
because without ur presence,
the cloud of misery surrounding ur absence,
just caused my
- amiyah